Saturday, February 27, 2016

Set global properties for your MyBatis mappers using Spring-MyBatis

If you need to define some global properties in MyBatis, but using spring-mybatis

In your spring config file:



In your spring config file: (note sorry about the odd xml declaration, this blogger pre xml doesn't let me define the xml in one line using "/"?)


Now in your mapper:

Thanks to post at

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Spring look up property dynamically

You need to look up a property from your properties file dynamically in a Spring class. If you google for this you'll find different approaches. Here is what I'm doing, which seems to work nicely.

My Spring class implements EmbeddedValueResolverAware

You then need to implement the setEmbeddedValueResolver method, so you create a field in your class:

private StringValueResolver stringValueResolver;

public void setEmbeddedValueResolver(StringValueResolver stringValueResolver) {
    this.stringValueResolver = stringValueResolver;

Now let's say have a props file:

In my Spring class above I can look it up dynamically...

int dynamicVal = getSomeDyanmicVal();
String foo = stringValueResolver.resolveStringValue("${something."+dynamicVal+".foo}");

Thursday, October 8, 2015

ZK: multi-select listboxes with dynamic right click menu

ZK: setting menuitem style programmtically

ZK's menuitem inherits setStyle but I couldn't get it work eg...
Menuitem menuItem = new Menuitem("Foo"));

However, on the forums someone pointed out setting sclass works and then defining that class style in your zul.

Menuitem menuItem = new Menuitem("Foo"));

in your zul:

.itembold .z-menuitem-text {font-weight: bold}

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Many times your application consists of doing common CRUD type operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete.)

I'm a big fan of MyBatis and a few solutions have been proposed to handle some of the basic CRUD in a generic fashion. This is just one 'partially generic' way to handle these common things. I say 'partially' since I've seen other approaches, such as having a single mapper and you pass in the table name and a list of columns etc. That approach is decent as well, but I've found that many times you start out generic but you'll often have to tweak a few things such that your CRUD becomes a bit more complicated. Following the approach below you have the flexibility to override whatever you want. The drawback (minor) is that, yes, you still need to create a place-holder mapper interface and you still need to create your mapper xml file and the corresponding CRUD sql in it.

The benefit is that if you follow the convention of naming the mapper methods to match the GenericCrudMapper, you typically are only writing the SQL, and the Java side becomes simple.

Note, I also created a GenericCrudService class. If you follow any of my other tutorials you'll realize that I do prefer to have my Mappers used within a service class. This is just my preference and not required. I've found in the 'real world' that I often need to do more stuff around my basic CRUD operations so that using the Mapper within a Service class gives me an extra layer to shield the client - typically the UI - from having to handle the other needed business logic around the CRUD operations.

Friday, April 10, 2015

MyBatis-Spring-ZK Maven Multimodule Project

I know have a sample project that uses MyBatis, Spring, and ZK, broken out into separate Maven modules. It's a more realistic setup for how you'd typically organize your 'real life' projects, especially in a corporate environment.   Domain module (pojos), Services module (MyBatis), Web project (ZK)

Monday, February 23, 2015

MyBatis CDI Zk Sample App (BETA)

Had the worst time trying to figure out how to get this set up working. (The Spring Mybatis setup was much easier.) The examples out there are few and far between and absolutely nothing using the above combination.

I'm calling it a BETA though because I have a few questions as you can see in the README Reposting here, in case anyone can help

1) You're supposed to be able to add a weld:scan section in beans.xml but when I do, I get start up errors? It works without it, but I'd like it to only scan what it needs so I'd prefer to add the weld:scan section if I could.

2) I don't understand why/how to upgrade to weld-servlet 2.9? (see note in my pom.xml) I posted about it here posted about it here on stackoverflow

3) Why do some examples also have a beans.xml in resources/META-INF/ along with WEB-INF/ ?

4) Can not get an Integration test (DepartmentIntegrationIT) working with Arquillian. Any help much appreciated. Posted for some help here

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