Benefit of this type of paging is that it doesn't load all the results up front. Useful for very large result sets. I'm a fan of MyBatis, so this example below demonstrates the use with MyBatis.
<paging id="executionsPaging" onCreate="executionsList.setPaginal(self)" totalSize="@bind(vm.executionsTotalSize)" pageSize="@bind(vm.executionsPageSize)" activePage="@bind(vm.currentPageNumber)" onPaging="@command('pageExecutions', pageNum=event.activePage)" /> <listbox id="executionsList" model="@load(vm.executions)" selectedItem="@bind(vm.selectedExecution)".... />
Executions ViewModel
public class ExecutionsVM { private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ExecutionsVM.class); private Listexecutions = new ArrayList (); private ExecutionSearchFilter searchFilter = new ExecutionSearchFilter(); private long executionsTotalSize = 0l; private int executionsPageSize = 25; private int currentPageNumber = 0; @WireVariable private ExecutionService executionService; @NotifyChange({"executions","executionsTotalSize"}) @Command public void pageExecutions(@BindingParam("pageNum") int pageNum) { logger.debug("pageExecutions for pagNum {}", pageNum); this.currentPageNumber = pageNum; populateSearchFilter(); executions = executionService.getExecutions(searchFilter); executionsTotalSize = executionService.getExecutionsSize(searchFilter); } private void populateSearchFilter() { int base = this.currentPageNumber * executionsPageSize; int firstRow = base + 1; int lastRow = base + executionsPageSize; searchFilter.setLowerRowLimit(firstRow); searchFilter.setUpperRowLimit(lastRow); } }
Executions Service (wraps Mapper)
@Service public class ExecutionService { @Resource private ExecutionMapper executionMapper; public ListfeatchExecutions(ExecutionSearchFilter searchFilter) { return executionMapper.getExecutions(searchFilter); } }
Executions Mapper
public interface ExecutionMapper { ListfeatchExecutions(ExecutionSearchFilter searchFilter) }
Search Filter POJO
public class ExecutionSearchFilter { private int upperRowLimit; private int lowerRowLimit; //setters/getters }
Executions Mapper MXL
<select id="getExecutions" resultMap="executionResultMap" parameterType="ExecutionSearchFilter"> select EXECUTION_ID, EXECUTION_NM, ROW_NUM FROM ( SELECT tempRow.EXECUTION_ID, tempRow.EXECUTION_NM, rownum ROW_NUM from ( SELECT e.EXECUTION_ID, e.EXECUTION_NM FROM EXECUTION_T e ) tempRow WHERE rownum <![CDATA[ <= ]]> #{upperRowLimit} ) WHERE ROW_NUM >= #{lowerRowLimit} </select>
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